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Fill in the register a birth and apply for a certificate application form

It's free to register your child's birth.

You may choose to order and pay for a birth certificate at the same time.

Use this application form to register a child born in Queensland—including stillborn children carried in the womb for 20 weeks or weighing 400g or more.

It can take up to 20 minutes to complete this application form.

  1. Answer the questions below.
  2. Review your details.
  3. Pay for your birth certificate (by Visa or Mastercard), if ordered.
  4. Finish your application.

Take care filling out this form because if you make a mistake you will need to pay to correct the certificate.

    1. *
  • *Was your child born in Queensland?
  • *Have you already submitted a registration (online, by post or in person) for the birth of your child?
    (If you chose 'Yes' above)
  • *Was your child born alive?
    (If you chose 'No' above)
  • *Was the gestation period longer than 20 weeks or the delivery weight over 400g?
    (If you chose 'No' above)

You are not eligible

We can only register your child's birth if they were born in Queensland.

See a list of interstate and overseas registry offices. ( )

Do not try to register your child again

If you think your child's birth may already be registered or had trouble submitting the online registration, contact us. Please email about your child's registration.

To fix any incorrect details already submitted, email

If your child's birth is registered and you need a certificate, buy one now.

Complete your application form Fill in the application form.
Details of your child
    1. *
Birth details
  • *Sex
  • *Is this a multiple birth?
  • *Order of births (enter a number)
    For example, twins would read 1 of 2, or 2 of 2.
  • *Did birth occur in a hospital?
Birth notification information must be provided
To finalise registration of your child's birth, a notice of birth form must also be completed:
  • if the child was taken to a hospital within 24 hours of birth, the person in charge of the hospital will complete the notice of birth form and submit it to us.

Otherwise, you must have 1 of the following complete the notice of birth form:

  • a doctor present at the birth
  • if a doctor was not present at the birth—a midwife present at the birth
  • if a doctor or a midwife were not present at the birth—a person, other than the mother, present at the birth
  • if the mother was alone at the birth—the mother.

Please email the completed and signed notice of birth form to

Person present at birthFor example, midwife, doctor, another person.
The child's birth mother's detailsThis is the person who gave birth to the child
  • *Tell us how the birth mother would like to be shown on the child's birth certificate.
If the birth mother's family name at birth is the same as their current family name, enter it again.
  • *Can the birth mother sign the form?
    For example, if the birth mother's whereabouts are unknown, please select 'No'.
  • Depending on the circumstances, please be aware that we will try to contact the birth mother for their details.

  • *Is the birth mother of Aboriginal origin?
  • *Is the birth mother of Torres Strait Islander origin?
  • *Do you know the name and details of the father or parent?
  • *Can the father or parent sign the form?

Depending on the circumstances, please be aware that we will try to contact the father or parent for their details.

The child's father or parent's detailsThis is the other biological or legal parent of the child.
  • *Tell us how the father or parent would like to be shown on the child's birth certificate.
In relation to same sex parents completing the registration of birth for your child:

(a) the birth mother must be registered as the mother; and
(b) the birth mother's spouse or de facto partner must be registered as the parent.
  • If the father or parent's family name at birth is the same as their current family name, enter it again.

  • *Are the father or parent's address details the same as the birth mother's address details previously entered?
  • *Is the father or parent of Aboriginal origin?
  • *Is the father or parent of Torres Strait Islander origin?
Relationship of child's parentsAs at the time of child's birth.
  • *Tell us which best describes the relationship of the parents of the child.
  • Civil partnership

    You have formally registered as a civil partnership in Queensland, or in another Australian state or territory. If registered outside Queensland the relationship may be called something different for example, registered relationship, domestic relationship, significant relationship, civil union. International civil partnerships (or equivalent) are also recognised if they were formed in New Zealand, South Africa, Canada (Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Quebec) or the United States (Hawaii or California).

    De facto relationship

    You live together as a couple and have a home together with a family relationship. This would generally be a long-term relationship with a commitment to sharing a life together. De facto relationships are automatic by law, and do not require registration.

Other children of either parentAll other older children's names and ages will appear on your child's birth certificate.
    • Include older siblings and older half-siblings.
    • Enter in order of birth with the oldest child first
    • Include any children whose birth certificate shows you as a parent, including children adopted, registered through a surrogacy parentage order, or registered through a cultural recognition order
    If you had twins or a multiple birth in this pregnancy do not include them
    • *Do either of the parents have other older children?
    • Child number 1
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 2
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 3
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 4
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 5
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 6
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 7
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 8
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 9
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 10
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 11
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • Child number 12
      • *Child's life status
      • *Child of
    • The birth certificate will list all older children, but will not show who their parents are.
    Would you like to order a birth certificate?
    • *Are you the birth mother or father or parent of the child?
      (If you chose 'Yes' above)
    • *Do you want your child's sex to be shown on the birth certificate(s)?
    • *What type of birth certificate would you like to order?
      Commemorative certificates include an official birth certificate.
    Are you the birth mother or father or parent of the child?
    • *Who is applying to register the birth of the child?

    Choose from the following designs

    ColonialSageraw PaykawBirthing TreeMaroonsBluey QueenslandRabbit ZodiacTeddyGreat Barrier ReefAustralian animalsBluey BeachBluey BrisbaneBroncosCowboysDolphinsTitansUnicornBrisbane lionsDragon ZodiacSnake ZodiacHorse ZodiacGoat ZodiacMonkey ZodiacRooster ZodiacDog ZodiacPig ZodiacRat ZodiacOx ZodiacTiger Zodiac
    • *Would you like any extra official birth certificates?
      Each additional certificate you order costs $54.40.
    Delivery details
    • *Type of post
    • Ensure the safe delivery of your certificate

    • *Where would you like your certificates delivered?

    Privacy notice

    The Department of Justice is collecting your personal information for the purpose of processing your birth registration application under section 9 of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2023. The information on this form may be provided to law enforcement agencies and to government and non-government agencies for verification of the data. Access to this information or a certificate may be granted to any person who has adequate reason to obtain it, or who meets the requirements of the access policy.
    In Progress...

    Brisbane registry contact details

    Located at Level 32, 180 Ann Street, Brisbane

    Opening hours:

    Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4.30pm

    Public holidays: Closed


    Our general enquiry form(Opens in new window).

    By phone

    Local call* 13 QGOV (13 74 68) ( tel:137468 )
    International +61 7 3022 6100 ( tel:61733284811) (+10 hours UTC)

    (Phone lines open Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.30pm)

    *Costs may be higher from mobile phones and interstate.

    Quick shopping cart tip

    Completing your child’s birth registration and applying for their birth certificate on a smart device may be convenient.

    However, please keep in mind that the built-in settings, browser and history or cookies on your smart device may create their own issues.

    If you are getting a message that your shopping cart is empty:

    1. Don’t provide identification again.
    2. Follow the shopping cart link only.

    Your order should be there to checkout, if you made a certificate selection.

    Your certificate order has not gone through if you were unable to complete the payment online and money has not come out of your account. You can use the PDF application form and apply by post or in person.

    Get the birth certificate application form(Opens in new window) .

    Submit your application and payment for a birth certificate to us:

    Last updated
    2 April 2019

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